Friday, March 11, 2011

What hope for the future?

It is far off. Look at the highways, urban cities, factories, industry, forest destruction, unchanging attitudes. The world is inundated with greed, laziness, and over consumption. Take a look at the stats, as posted earlier in this blog series...
There are over 10,180,000 new cars built this year already, in only 2.5 months. There has been over 2.2 million  hectare of forest lost this year, with 1.9 million hectares of new desert. Many predict we have 10 years to avert climate change, though this has been said by varying sources throughout the past two decades.

There are different theories of the outcome. Climate change isn’t just global warming. It is the threat of the ice caps melting, sea levels rising, ocean currents halting, more severe weather, global cooling.

There are a couple of ways of defining how the world can be formed sustainably. Technocentrism is the faith that science, technology, planning and governance will ultimately be the solution to sustainable development. Ecocentrism on the other hand, is that faith that nature will prevail and society can reform the economy to ecological systems, with communalism as a branch that strives for self-reliance communities and technologies for renewable resources.

Conservation is the largest concept that needs to be incorporated into the mindset of the consumer. This is different from preservation, which is not a sustainable idea, as nothing can ultimately be preserved as the world is a continually changing system.

I'm still going to do my part in conservation. I already consume very less. My only purchases in the past months have been food, clothing, and some little amounts of school supplies. You may say that's because I'm a poor University student, but even before that, I consumed very little, because I don't need all that stuff. Using electricity in my home conservatively, turning off things when not in use. 

I also buy local. If the choice between an apple from BC and an apple from the US, I go for the BC apple.  I check the label of the things I buy, and when considering price, I go instead for the low impact source.

The major drawback to my actions is transportation. I still drive 10-15 min. to school almost every day. 
I'm going to move closer to school, eliminating my need to drive.  After this intense exam week of my second quarter, I will have the time to look for a new place, within walking distance to school. I will check back when that time comes and discuss the result. If I do not achieve my goal, call me a hypocrite like every one else.

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